Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
Billed Monthly
All orders are automatically provisioned as soon as your payment is received. Sign up now, and be up and running within minutes!
Unleash the power of your VPS with the virtualizor control panel. Perform remote power control, virtual console, track usage, and much, much more.
Never skip a beat with our automatic, no charge, VPS monitoring service. Our Server Team will know of any issues with your VPS before you do, and reach out with suggestions.
All VPS accounts include a premium license for Softaculous. Instantly install multiple popular php applications, such as WordPress, Joomla, or Magento, with the click of a button. Upgrading your software is just as easy!
All VPS accounts come with the latest version of cPanel/WHM Optimized. This makes life easy for you to do routine tasks such as creating accounts, setting up email addresses and managing MySQL databases.
Our network runs the latest stable and secure versions of PHP & MySQL. We also implement strict security and firewall rules protecting your website from unwanted visitors 24/7.